How to Know You’re Ready for the Next Step in Your Career

No matter which industry you work in, we all have that ‘end-goal’ we dream about, however, it can feel a bit daunting when you know it’s time to take that next professional step to get there. That’s a feeling Style Nine to Five Founder Christie Lohr knows too well! Before becoming an entrepreneur, and launching […]

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The Right (and Wrong!) Way to Ask for a Promotion

You’ve worked hard. You’ve put the time in. You’re an invaluable team member. If this is the case for you, that’s great! It’s likely time for a promotion, but a move to a higher position won’t necessarily just land in your lap. When you’re ready to advance your career to the next level, it’s time […]

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The Art of Sending the Perfect Follow-Up Email

Congrats! You got the interview and hopefully you nailed it. But no matter how successful the interview was or how confident you are, your work isn’t done yet. Before you simply sit back and wait for the hiring manager to call you with the great news that you got the job, there’s an important step […]

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‘Casual Friday’ Looks to Ease You Into Your New Work Week

After months of economic uncertainty, Canada is beginning to see provinces lift restrictions around business operations across the country. This comes after Canadians put in efforts to flatten the curve of the coronavirus. Some employees are happy to get back to the nine-to-five, and hit the wardrobe — while some people have seen elastic waistbands […]

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How ‘Personal Branding’ Can Help Your Job Search

Personal branding is a way to fast forward the application process by showing an employer a bit more of who you are and what your qualities are, according to Style Nine to Five Founder Christie Lohr. “If you were to meet a hiring manager in person for an interview, they would get an impression in […]

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Career Services – Application Templates Are Finally Here

Are you ready for a Clean Slate or to Make Magic? Now you can because Style Nine to Five Founder Christie Lohr has just released new application templates to help you land your dream job! Think resume templates, but better. There are five packages for you to choose from: Clean Slate, Sun Kissed, Make Magic, […]

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Top Off Your At-Home Outfit With This Piece

We’ve officially been in a long-distance relationship with our local hair stylists since the middle of March — and while we wait to be united with one of our closest confidants, we may be looking for ways to cover the apparent ‘time’ staring at us in the mirror. That’s right, we’re talking about roots! Luckily […]

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How to Reach Out to Potential Employers Amid Self Isolation

Whether you’ve experienced layoffs due to COVID-19’s impact on businesses, or have already been on the job search, now may not seem to be the most ideal time to reach out to potential employers — but Style Nine to Five founder Christie Lohr says there are ways to approach companies while you’re in self isolation.  […]

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Turn Your Interest Into a Career

As you grow up, you see the career progression as going from high school to post-secondary then straight to your dream career. This is what we think we need to do. However, that isn’t always the case. What if what you’re really interested in isn’t offered as a degree in a post-secondary institution? What if […]

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Fashion Jobs – Landing Your First Full Time Job

The transition from being a student or working a part-time position to landing your very first full-time gig can be quite daunting at the start. The pressure of the real world is in high gear and you no longer have possession of those sacred weekdays you devoted solely to sleeping in and binge watching your […]

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