How to Transition Back to the Workforce as a New Mom

How to Transition Back to the Workforce as a New Mom - Style Nine to Five

Whether you are a new mom returning to your job following maternity leave or a stay-at-home mom who is re-entering the workforce after a number of years, returning to work as a mother can seem daunting—but it doesn’t have to be! Even Style Nine to Five Founder, Christie Lohr has recently gone through the transition and has first-hand experience the challenges and joys of returning back to work after becoming a new mom. Here are five tips to help make that transition as seamless as possible.

1. Start Early

Once you have an idea of when you will be returning to work, take some lead time to be proactive. Stay connected on LinkedIn and engage with your network. Browse job boards and postings and get a sense of the current climate—what roles are companies hiring for, how do your skills match up, and is there opportunity to add a few credentials to your resume before you begin your official job search? Taking a proactive approach will help you feel more in-control and confident when you do decide to make your return to the workforce.

2. Update Your Resume

Even if you’ve been out of the workforce, you can still update your resume. You may not have any more experience to add, but a little refreshing of the format and content will give your resume a modern touch and keep you competitive.

Consult job postings to see what kind of language is being used to describe experience and job descriptions. Use that language to inform how you describe your past experience, your objective, and your headline.

Browse current resume templates and consider revamping the look. How your resume is laid out can impact whether, or not you get a call back. Make sure your contact info is easily accessible and that you have achievements and metrics that will stand out. It doesn’t hurt to make use of on-trend colours and layouts as well.

3. Update Your Credentials

One of the most intimidating aspects of returning to work, especially after a multi-year break, is feeling like your industry has moved on without you. How can you retain a competitive edge against other candidates who have been in the game, while you have been at home being present with your children?

While you’re still at home and considering your return to the workforce, look into ways you can update your credentials. For example, if you have a Google Analytics certification from pre-pregnancy, upgrade your certificate and put a fresh new date on your resume credentials. You can also get ahead and have a look at job postings in your industry — what programs or platforms are they asking for experience with? These platforms often have free courses you can take, which you can list on your resume under your skills section.

4. Consider Your Options

Returning to work as a mom is going to lead to a different lifestyle than what you were used to pre-pregnancy. You have a new set of priorities now and it is ok to honour those and decide what lifestyle works best for you.

If you have the option to be flexible with your return to work, consider what that looks like. Perhaps instead of going back into the office full-time, you opt for a part-time position, a work from home position, or a hybrid position that offers more flexibility with your new role as a full-time mom.

Having an open-minded approach can help to take some of the pressure off your return. Remember that with each season of life comes different challenges and we can have different expectations of ourselves as we transition through these seasons.

5. Find Your Balance

Lastly, be kind and patient with yourself. It may take some time for you to strike the perfect balance for yourself. This is a new experience and you have a very different set of responsibilities and priorities now that you never had to navigate before. Listen to your needs, your body, and your mind and settle into the work-life balance that works for you and your family, whatever that looks like.

Congratulations, mama, you’ve already created human life, this boss babe thing is a walk in the park in comparison!

Are you overwhelmed by the thought of returning to the workforce as a new mom? Check out the Style Nine to Five Get it All Package. Not only will you have unlimited access to Founder Christie Lohr (who knows exactly what you’re going through and can offer advice), but she’ll also help you refresh your resume, cover letter, LinkedIn, and help you prepare for your interviews.

Sheila O’Neill is a creative, innovative and inspiring storyteller with a background in fashion.