Struggling to find a job right now? We’ve all been there before. It might seem hopeless to do nothing but scour job boards and type up cover letters, day in and out, but we’ve prepared this list of other things you can do to break up the monotony of applying for jobs. If finding a job feels impossible, here are some things you can do to make it a little easier.
1. Keep Tabs on the Industry
If there’s a specific industry you’re pursuing, stay up to date on it while unemployed. This means reading industry publications, joining related social media groups, even attending events revolving around the industry (easier now more than ever, as most are remote). This way, you’ll always be aware of what skills are in demand and what trends are going on in the industry, even outside of it. Use your spare time while unemployed to brush up on all of this information. It’ll give you a leg up on the competition for jobs when hiring managers can see that you have your finger on the pulse of the industry.
2. Get Certified
One of the reasons you might be struggling to find a job is because you’re under-qualified. Getting educated is one of the best things to do with your time in between jobs. Even if you have all the appropriate qualifications in place, it never hurts to upgrade them or learn brand new skills. Plus, there’s a good chance that you won’t have to go back to school – there are plenty of free, online courses and certifications that you can take to learn new skills in your industry. Even if you can’t find a proper certification to fit your needs, there’s still plenty to learn online for free – you can even try exploring YouTube and picking up new skills from there.
3. Become A Freelancer
If freelancing is an option in your field, it’s an opportunity that you need to take advantage of for many reasons. Freelancing is a great way to make money, hone your skills and stay involved in the industry while in between long-term jobs. Not only that, but there’s the potential to make freelancing your career if it suits your needs and you’re dedicated to constantly looking for jobs! But, if freelancing isn’t for you in the long run, that’s okay too – at the very least, you’ll be padding out your resume with new skills and related jobs. It’s also a great way to test the waters for potential career paths you might want to dip your toe into.
4. Stay Social
While you’re doing all of this, don’t forget to keep your professional social media, website and/or LinkedIn active. Make sure your skills, portfolio, work experience and accomplishments are up to date across all social platforms that you use. Keep posting things related to the industry you’re pursuing and take the time out of your day to network with other professionals in the field. Make sure to post an update that you’re currently looking for work, too. You never know, maybe the ideal opportunity could come up because the right person saw your post.
5. Cold Call
Maybe your problem is that no good jobs are available right now. It happens, especially in oversaturated industries, but you shouldn’t sit back and do nothing about it. Take the initiative and put yourself out there – try cold-calling or cold-emailing companies that you’d like to work for, or places where you think they lack your skills. It’ll reflect well on you that you have the drive to reach out.
Being unemployed is extremely stressful and upsetting, but it’s not the end of the world – the right job will come up eventually. With this in mind, don’t let your unemployment consume your entire life. While you’re applying for jobs and pursuing these tips, make sure to put your mental health first. Take breaks from working on your career when you can and try your best to relax, or spend time with friends and family where you won’t think about your lack of employment. And, while it may be hard, do your best to stay positive!
Does your resume feel like it’s missing something? Try a Style Nine to Five Job Application Template!
Emily Morrison is a media professional with passions for writing, film and popular culture.
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