The Rise of Visual Merchandising Jobs in Canada - Style Nine to Five

The Rise of Visual Merchandising Jobs in Canada

The fashion industry is experiencing a notable surge in visual merchandising roles, reflecting the increasing importance of creating compelling in-store experiences. As retailers strive to attract and engage customers, the demand for skilled visual merchandisers is on the rise. Let’s explore this growing field, why we’re seeing an uptick, and how you can step into […]

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4 Steps to Find a Sustainable Fashion Job - Style Nine to Five

4 Steps to Find a Sustainable Fashion Job

If sustainability is important to you and you won’t settle for just any job in the fashion industry, here’s a quick guide on how to find the job you’re looking for. Plenty of sustainable fashion brands are out there and hiring, you just need to know where to look! 1. Career Pages of Sustainable Brands  […]

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Working in the Fashion Industry - Style Nine to Five

3 Misconceptions (and Truths!) About Working in the Fashion Industry

Part of what makes working in fashion so alluring is the mystery – it’s not easy to break in and can sometimes feel like an exclusive club only few can gain access to. With mystery comes myth – so what’s real and what isn’t? Is it true that all fashion bosses are Ice Queens? Do […]

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Personal Development - Where to Begin - Style Nine to Five

Personal Development – Where to Begin

Personal development has been a major buzzword over the last couple of years. Although the idea seems great in theory, actually putting it into practice can be a bit daunting. Where do you start? How do you know what to focus on? What resources do you have available to you? Here are six tips to […]

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4 Reasons It’s Okay to Leave Your Dream Job - Style Nine to Five

4 Reasons It’s Okay to Leave Your Dream Job

Not every job is a great one, even if it’s going to propel you to your dream career. Jobs with responsibilities you can’t wait to take on or benefits you’d love to have can wind up being downright awful for your lifestyle for a number of reasons. The hard part is having to quit these […]

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Career Inspiration: LinkedIn & Instagram - Style Nine to Five

Career Inspiration: LinkedIn & Instagram

Social media is a major part of our life and if we’re being honest, we probably spend more time on it than we would like to admit. If you’re feeling guilty about the time you spend on Instagram, give yourself a good excuse to be on there and follow some leading thinkers to keep you […]

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7 Quick & Easy Job Application Essentials - Style Nine to Five

7 Quick & Easy Job Application Essentials

The tiniest details can make or break your job application. If you have even one typo in your cover letter, your entire claim that you’re good with details is called into question. If you submit your resume in a format that doesn’t work on the hiring manager’s computer, they can’t even take you into consideration. […]

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How to Follow Up Without Being Annoying - Style Nine to Five

How to Follow Up Without Being Annoying

Imagine you just finished an interview and felt like you did a good job only to never hear back from the recruiter or hiring manager. You probably feel like you just got ghosted! Don’t fret because we’re taking a look at how to follow up with recruiters – without being annoying! Sending a follow-up email […]

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How to Interpret a Job Posting - Style Nine to Five

How to Decipher a Job Posting

I remember once sitting down to an interview for a company I desperately wanted to join. The role was for a very well-known Canadian fashion brand I had wanted to work with since I was a junior in high school. I also remember exactly how the hiring manager began the interview. She started off by […]

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