The Rise of Visual Merchandising Jobs in Canada - Style Nine to Five

The Rise of Visual Merchandising Jobs in Canada

The fashion industry is experiencing a notable surge in visual merchandising roles, reflecting the increasing importance of creating compelling in-store experiences. As retailers strive to attract and engage customers, the demand for skilled visual merchandisers is on the rise. Let’s explore this growing field, why we’re seeing an uptick, and how you can step into […]

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Transferable Skills to Take to the Fashion Industry - Style Nine to Five

4 Transferable Skills to Take to the Fashion Industry

So, you want to break into the fashion industry, but there’s one major obstacle in your way: you don’t have any fashion industry skills or experience. It may sound like a dead end, but you have plenty of other skills, don’t you? Namely, think about your transferable skills. Maybe you can’t sew and you don’t […]

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Your Guide to Changing Industries - Style Nine to Five

Your Guide to Changing Industries

Our societal and educational model has us deciding what we want to do for the rest of our life at such a young age. We pick a University major as young as our teen years and spend years honing the specific skills for that industry or occupation. The fact is though that people change— our […]

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Top 5 Things Hiring Managers Look for in Your Job Application - Style Nine to Five

Top 5 Things Hiring Managers Look for in Your Job Application

When putting together your job application it’s important to keep in mind that your submission is one of many. The hiring manager may be looking through hundreds of candidates eager to land an interview. If you want to be one of a lucky few who gets a call back it’s imperative that you create something […]

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How to Get More Responsibility at Work - Style Nine to Five

How to Get More Responsibility at Work

Bored with your job responsibilities? Not seeing the “growth opportunities” that the job posting boasted about? Don’t go looking for a new job just yet – a new job means starting from the bottom at a company, and there’s still plenty of potential in your current job you probably don’t even see. If you want […]

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What to Do When You Don’t Get Along With Your Boss - Style Nine to Five

What to Do When You Don’t Get Along With Your Boss

You won’t get along with everyone in your workplace, and your bosses are included in that. It happens – personalities don’t always mesh well together, values don’t always align, or, worst of all, workplace disagreements come up. If you find yourself in this situation, don’t put in your two weeks – you can fix this […]

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4 Bad Interview Habits to Break - Style Nine to Five

4 Bad Interview Habits to Break

We’ve all got bad habits, but job interviews are no place for them to show up. For example, you could have a killer answer for every question that comes up, but if other applicants do too, speaking too fast or fidgeting may cost you the job. Before you head into any interview, try and remind […]

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Personal Development - Where to Begin - Style Nine to Five

Personal Development – Where to Begin

Personal development has been a major buzzword over the last couple of years. Although the idea seems great in theory, actually putting it into practice can be a bit daunting. Where do you start? How do you know what to focus on? What resources do you have available to you? Here are six tips to […]

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Laid Off? Your Next Steps to Move Forward - Style Nine to Five

Laid Off? Your Next Steps to Move Forward

So, you got laid off – there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s a big blip on your career journey, sure, but it’s not as hard to recover from a layoff as it may seem. Just try to keep calm, take care of yourself, and when you’re ready to move forward, here are four steps to […]

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4 Signs It’s Time to Leave Your Job - Style Nine to Five

4 Signs It’s Time to Leave Your Job

Sometimes, you’ve just got to quit your job. It might sound crazy, especially in a culture that rewards hard work and being passionate about your career. But, truthfully, not all jobs are worth sticking around for – here are some reasons to keep in mind when considering if you should move on to a new […]

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