3 Career Benefits to Being an Introvert - Style Nine to Five

3 Career Benefits to Being an Introvert

As an introverted person, sometimes I feel worried the workforce isn’t for me. Climbing up the career ladder sometimes seems harder than it would be to somebody more outgoing than me – for example, my extroverted friends have more connections in their field, or will have a better time at a networking event than I […]

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4 Ways to Go Above and Beyond at Work - Style Nine to Five

4 Ways to Go Above and Beyond at Work

You come into work every day and do your responsibilities to the best of your ability – and you’re a fantastic employee! – but you could still take it a step further. After all, taking on extra responsibilities every now and then could be the difference between getting promoted or not. Even the smallest tasks […]

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4 Ways to Gain Skills Without School - Style Nine to Five

4 Ways to Gain Skills Without School

School is expensive and time-consuming, and it may not even be right for you. But how else are you going to get ahead in your industry? How are you supposed to develop the skills necessary to get your dream job? A common misconception is that school is the only pathway to your dream career. It’s […]

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How to Re-Apply After Rejection - Style Nine to Five

How to Re-Apply After Rejection

So, you got rejected from your dream company – it happens to almost everyone at some point. But why let one rejection stop you from trying again? It’s entirely possible to be rejected from a company at one time and get hired later down the road – you just have to make sure that they […]

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conditional job offer - style nine to five

What Happens After a Conditional Job Offer?

Congratulations! You have received a conditional job offer and are probably feeling a mix of emotions – happiness and anxiety! Don’t fret, we will dive into what exactly happens after a candidate has received a conditional job offer from their new employer. Usually, a conditional job offer is given when specific employment-relevant checks need to […]

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Improve your Public Speaking Skills - Style Nine to Five

3 Easy Ways to Improve your Public Speaking Skills

Public speaking is scary, and if you’re a shy or introverted person, it’s tempting to run away from it altogether. Don’t! It’s a great skill to have and you’ll get many more work opportunities if you’re a strong public speaker. Still, you might be thinking that you’ll never get those opportunities simply aren’t good at […]

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Job Interview - 4 Ways to Prep for an Interview

4 Simple Ways to Prep for an Interview

Your career search has started, and you have applied to countless jobs, reviewed numerous job postings, and have finally received an invitation for an interview! This is very exciting but it may also be nerve-wracking. Don’t worry, here are some tips to help you prepare for a job interview, both in-person or virtually. 1. Learn […]

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How to Prepare for a Performance Review - Style Nine to Five

7 Ways to Make the Most of Your Performance Review

If you found out today that you had a performance review coming up next month how would you feel? Prepared? Confident? Nervous? Excited? Terrified? Regardless of whatever feelings come up with the words “performance review”, we’ll help you make the most of that one-on-one time with the boss. Your performance review can actually be a […]

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Questions to Ask Before Accepting a Job Offer - Style Nine to Five

Questions to Ask Before Accepting a Job Offer

Congratulations to you for getting a job offer worth your while! Next, all you have to do is accept it, right? Well, maybe not quite yet. The big ask now is ‘Is this the job you’ve been waiting for?’ Is it the job offer you’ve been needing and looking for, and how do you find […]

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Recruiter’s Secret Tips to Make Their Clients the Top Candidates - Style Nine to Five

Recruiter’s Secret Tips to Make Their Clients the Top Candidates

This week we’re dishing out the inside secrets on how to position yourself to land the job of your dreams. These are the exclusive tips that recruiters, like Style Nine to Five’s Founder Christie Lohr, use to help their clients elevate their applications and land job interviews. Do you have a pen and paper ready? […]

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