Career Advice – What to Wear to a Coffee Meeting

Things are changing in the world of business, and for us fashion industry insiders- it’s exciting! Proper professional meetings and interviews are less and less common, and things in business are quickly becoming more personal and relaxed. As you already know, coffee shops are quickly becoming the new boardroom, and with that new rules for […]

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Fashion Jobs – Fashion Buyer: Ins and Outs

When you’re choosing a career path you want to know what your day to day will entail and how you can get there. That’s why we wanted to spotlight the being a buyer and the ins and outs. With the most glamorous, most sought after fashion job in the fashion industry comes a lot of […]

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Career Advice – 5 Things To Take Away From Any Position

Find fashion job advice, internship opportunities, fashion job listings, style careers, retail jobs, job advice, fashion design jobs, social media and marketing internships, stylist and buying jobs and many other fashion jobs on Style Nine to Five! Let’s be real- not every job you land, ends up being a dream job. We have all been in a […]

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Career Advice – How to Use Social Media to Your Advantage in the Interview Process

Find fashion job advice, internship opportunities, fashion job listings, style careers, retail jobs, job advice, fashion design jobs, social media and marketing internships, stylist and buying jobs and many other fashion jobs on Style Nine to Five! In the digital world we live in, things are constantly changing… and fast! With social media becoming increasingly important in […]

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Career Advice – Preparing For an Interview at Your Dream Company

Preparing for an interview? Find interview advice, job advice, internship opportunities, fashion job listings, style careers, retail jobs, job advice, fashion design jobs, social media and marketing internships, stylist and buying jobs and many other fashion jobs on Style Nine to Five! Applying for a job at your dream company can be a daunting task. Landing the […]

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Career Advice – Put the Phone Away: How to Be More Productive at Work

Find fashion job advice, internship opportunities, fashion job listings, style careers, retail jobs, job advice, fashion design jobs, social media and marketing internships, stylist and buying jobs and many other fashion jobs on Style Nine to Five! It’s ingrained in our daily lives – we constantly need to know what’s going on in the outside world, who […]

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Career Advice – How Therapy Can Benefit Your Day to Day

Find fashion job advice, internship opportunities, fashion job listings, style careers, retail jobs, job advice, fashion design jobs, social media and marketing internships, stylist and buying jobs and many other fashion jobs on Style Nine to Five! When people think of going to therapy, they think of grief counseling, trying to get over a traumatic event, or […]

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Career Tips Job Advice Fashion Jobs

Click to watch career tips from our Founder Christie Lohr! The job advice she shares includes: • How to write the perfect cover letter • How to improve your resume to land the job • What to include in your resume • How how to answer hard interview questions • Tips to getting promoted • […]

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Career Advice – Perfecting a LinkedIn Message

Find fashion job advice, internship opportunities, fashion job listings, style careers, retail jobs, job advice, fashion design jobs, social media and marketing internships, stylist and buying jobs and many other fashion jobs on Style Nine to Five! As a professional, a job seeker, or just someone looking to network, LinkedIn is your best friend. However, sometimes sending […]

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