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Let’s be real- not every job you land, ends up being a dream job. We have all been in a position that isn’t what we’d hoped it would be, or didn’t quite live up to expectations. Although this can be challenging, uncomfortable, and quite often discouraging, there is always something we can take away from a job gone wrong. In fact, I can think of 5 different things (but I promise there are even more!) that can be positive, valuable, and beneficial in your experience of parting with the old, and moving on to bigger and better things!
1. Interview Experience
I think just about everyone gets a little “cringey” when they hear the word interview. There is something so nerve wracking about going in to meet someone new, not knowing what to expect, and being put on the spot with challenging questions, all while attempting to make a good impression. Truth is, the more you do something, the more naturally it comes. Although it may be intimidating, the more interview experience you can get, the better off you will be when it comes to killing the interview. With this mindset, you can appreciate any opportunity you have had to go through the interview process. Whether you were turned down for the job, or landed the position only to find out it wasn’t right for you, if nothing else, you can always take away valuable interview experience. You may deepen your knowledge of potential interview questions, gain new tips and tricks on how to stand out, or you may even come out with a better understanding of how to nail your own elevator speech. With one more interview under your belt, you can be that much more confident stepping into the next interview!
2. Working With Anyone and Everyone
No matter where you work or in what position, you can always be sure that you’ll have the opportunity to meet and work alongside all types of wonderful people. Some of which you’ll instantly click with, and others that may tend to work in a way completely different than the way you operate. You may have the chance to work within a smaller team than you’re used to, as part of a small local company, or within a bigger team or as part of a large corporate company. Either way, you will always have the opportunity to be exposed to new styles of learning, ways of doing things, personalities, and people of various backgrounds. Hopefully you’ll resonate with some of the thinking, habits, and methods of some of your new team members, but even if a colleague’s ways rival your typical approach, there is always something you can gain from being challenged. You will most definitely be compelled to learn how to work with, be respectful of, and hopefully appreciate others who work differently than you do. And if you’re open to it, you may even learn a new way to think about your work, and to be your most productive and successful self from 9-5.
3. Expanding Your Network
They say “it’s all about who you know.” And it’s true! Having strong connections in the industry can really work to your advantage in your career search and development. Simply put, the wider your network, the more opportunities you may be exposed to. Whether you stay in a position for a few short months, or a few years, it is so important to always put your best foot forward day in and day out, to represent yourself in the best light. The people around you may turn out to be amazing connections and crucial points of contact for leading you to that next step in your personal career journey. Even if your current role turns out to be in an area of the industry that isn’t for you, who’s to say that your boss, your colleague, or even Karen from accounting who you met in the elevator, isn’t going to be helpful in connecting you to the right opportunity? No matter what, keep your friends close, and your connections closer!
4. Understanding Your Ideal Work Environment
Some of us thrive in a bustling office environment, while others do best working from home. Some love a quiet, intimate workspace surrounded by a small team, and others buzz off of a busy office that has many people coming and going at a fast pace, all day long. Lighting, location, office hours, and even your surrounding colleagues can really make or break your ability to get “in the zone” and get the job done by the end of the day. Although the thought of working from your couch in your pajamas may sound like a real dream come true, you may actually hate it- trust me on this one! When it comes to work environment, you truly will not know what works for you until you try. So if nothing else, looking back on a position that did or didn’t necessarily work in the long run, you can always reflect on the culture of the company you worked for, and your everyday work environment to evaluate what helped you thrive, and what may not have supported you in your role.
5. Finding What Fuels Your Fire
Spoiler alert- learning what fuels your passion and makes you tick, is the key to happiness in your career. If you don’t wake up everyday (with the exception of that rainy Monday when you spill coffee on your white blouse here and there) excited about what you do, then it might be time to re-assess. That being said, finding your calling is no easy feat. Often times it takes a lot of trial and error, and a little bit of soul searching! Patience is so powerful here, and understanding that it may take you quite some time, and some not-so-perfect positions to find your dream job, is crucial. So next time you’re feeling down because your work feels mundane or unfulfilling, take it as a lesson. Understanding what you don’t love gives you the perfect opportunity to reflect, and dig deeper into what you DO love. Crossing one option off your list just puts you one step closer to finding your true passion, and to pursuing that rewarding career you always dreamed of!
We all know that the power of positivity goes a long way. However, staying positive while remaining in a position that drains your energy and just doesn’t feel right, is easier said than done! Use these 5 simple things to find the silver lining in any position or job, and I promise you will feel that much better getting back on the horse. Any lessons learned (big or small!) in your journey to your dream job, can always be seen as valuable, and truly crucial to finding the perfect opportunity!
By: Heather Murray @heatherungraceful
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