4 Ways to Assess Your Job Offer - Style Nine to Five

4 Ways to Assess Your Job Offer

Congratulations! The company you applied to determined you’ll benefit them in a new role – but have you considered how this company will benefit you, beyond the basics? Before accepting a job offer, take the time to assess whether or not this is a job you’ll be happy to go to every day and if […]

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3 Places to Look for Jobs - Style Nine to Five

Expand Your Job Hunt: 3 Places to Look for Jobs

You’re searching for a job, but LinkedIn keeps turning up empty and Indeed always has the same jobs. Besides Style Nine to Five (of course!), where else is there to look? Trust me – job opportunities are everywhere online, you just have to know where to look. Maybe your next job will pop up on […]

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5 Ways To Maximize Your LinkedIn Presence - Style Nine to Five

5 Ways to Maximize Your LinkedIn Presence

LinkedIn may not be the first social media platform you open when you wake up, but it can certainly help you get you where you want to go in your career. When you begin to be more intentional on LinkedIn about who and how you’re connecting with others, you’ll reap the rewards and get closer to creating a career […]

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Bad Job Application Habits to Break - Style Nine to Five

Bad Job Application Habits to Break ASAP

So, you’re applying to jobs and not hearing back. It feels like your personality or experience is the problem, but have you considered that your applications are the issue? Maybe the information on your resume isn’t concise enough, or tells very little about you – or, maybe no hiring managers have even gotten to reading […]

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Entering the Workforce After Post-Graduation - Style Nine to Five

Make the Most of the Post-Graduation Unemployment Period

So, you’re done school and it’s time to enter the workforce – except, you can’t. It’s not as easy as it sounded. You’re customizing cover letter after cover letter and embarking on a never-ending job hunt only to constantly turn up empty. When you’re putting tons of work into your applications and not even getting […]

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4 Best Practices for Holding Exit Interviews - Style Nine to Five

4 Best Practices for Holding Exit Interviews

There are loads of great reasons to interview people prior to hiring them to work for your company, but what about when they leave? You might think you know everything you need to know about an employee once they’ve handed in their notice, but if you think you don’t need to hold an exit interview, […]

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Maximize Your Resume & Cover Letter for Changing Industries - Style Nine to Five

Maximize Your Resume & Cover Letter for Changing Industries

Realizing your passions lie elsewhere and being brave enough to change industries is no small feat! But, understanding how to successfully highlight your skills on your new resume can be tough! Not to worry, we are here to help! Here’s what to highlight on your resume when changing industries below. Emphasizing Major Accomplishments Although you […]

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Combatting Criticism in the Workplace - Style Nine to Five

Combatting Criticism in the Workplace

No one enjoys receiving criticism in the workplace, no matter how helpful it may be. When you first hear criticism of your abilities, it’s far too easy to be tempted by insecurity – to belittle yourself and focus on the one flaw you’re now faced with. But receiving constructive criticism is important to your growth […]

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How to Answer Why Do You Want to Work Here in a Job Interview

How to Answer, “Why Do You Want to Work Here?” in a Job Interview

So you’ve made it past the initial application round – and it’s time for your interview. There are many questions that you can anticipate being asked but one that will almost certainly be asked of you – is “Why do you want to work here?”  Understandably, this can be a bit of a tough question because your […]

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What to Expect From Fashion School - Style Nine to Five

What to Expect From Fashion School

If you’re considering fashion school, you’ll want to read this Q&A with Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s Program Chair of Fashion & Technology, Heather Clark. This program is run under their Wilson School of Design. Over the years, she’s gained experience in everything from swimwear design in Toronto to teaching Home Ec in Vancouver. She spoke with […]

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