Christie’s Modern Resume Tips- Style Nine to Five

Christie’s Modern Resume Tips

Let’s talk about resumes! We can’t live without them and they’re not going away any time soon, so it’s about time to learn the ins and outs of how to write yours. Forget what you learned long ago, today’s most effective resumes are unique, customized, and pared down. We sat down with Style Nine to […]

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Skills You Need to Succeed in These Hot Retail Roles - Style Nine to Five

Skills You Need to Succeed in These Hot Retail Roles

If you are someone who loves fashion and wants to grow professionally in this industry, chances are you’ve contemplated a career in retail at some point! Simply put, working storefront is an excellent career move and learning experience with so much to offer. You may be asking yourself “Where do I fit in here?” or […]

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Resume and Cover Letter Tips - Style Nine to Five

5 Resume and Cover Letter FAQs

Whether you’re re-entering the workforce or brand new to it, job applications are daunting all the same. There’s no clear-cut guide on what employers expect, often leaving us fumbling to figure things out. While it’s impossible to please every hiring manager who looks at your resume, here are some commonly accepted best practices of application […]

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How to Find the Right Salary Range for a Job - Style Nine to Five

How to Find the Right Salary Range for a Job

Determining your salary for a new job you’re after can be tricky but it doesn’t have to be. It’s common for an interviewer to ask what your ideal salary is, so it’s important to be prepared. If you’re wondering where to start in coming up with an appropriate range, we’ve outlined some tips, tricks, and […]

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The 6 Best Skills to Include in Your Cover Letter - Style Nine to Five

The 6 Best Skills to Include in Your Cover Letter (Plus What to Leave Out)

A cover letter that accurately illustrates your professional capabilities and potential is your in to landing that interview. While you can entice the recruiter’s curiosity with a unique opener, you need to keep their attention by highlighting specific skills in your cover letter. You might be asking yourself why including skills on your cover letter […]

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Where to Look for Job Opportunities - Style Nine to Five

Where to Look for Job Opportunities

It’s official. In this tech-savvy generation, the days of highlighting job ads in the newspaper and dropping off resumes door to door are mainly a thing of the past. Job hunting in 2021 has a new look and feel now that we have the internet at our fingertips. So, where to look for employment listings […]

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Steps to Maximizing Your LinkedIn Profile - Style Nine to Five

8 Steps to Maximizing Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is like any other social media platform except, unlike many others, you only get one professional profile to sum up your entire career background! With this in mind, filling out your profile for the first time, or updating it after a long time, can feel like a pretty daunting task. The reality is that […]

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How to Answer the Question: "What Salary Do You Have in Mind?" - Style Nine to Five

How to Answer the Question: “What Salary Do You Have in Mind?”

Talking about your salary with a potential employer can feel tricky but it doesn’t have to be! Putting a number on your worth as an employee can be stressful because you don’t want to under or over sell yourself with unrealistic salary expectations. Although putting forward a number can be difficult, it’s important for your […]

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5 Common Interview Questions and How to Prep - Style Nine to Five

5 Common Interview Questions and How to Prep

If you aren’t studying for your job interviews like a test, you’re doing it wrong. For entry level positions, two things will come in handy throughout your interviews: being familiar with even the smallest details of the company, and knowing the exact skills that they want in an employee. Tailor your past experience or your […]

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How to Get Into a Management Position

How to Get Into a Management Position

When you’re advancing in your career and you are beginning to look towards future jobs that are available to you, it’s likely that the word “manager” will be in the title. This can vary from industry to industry, but oftentimes a management position is the next step up from a coordinator or associate position and […]

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