Career Inspiration: LinkedIn & Instagram - Style Nine to Five

Career Inspiration: LinkedIn & Instagram

Social media is a major part of our life and if we’re being honest, we probably spend more time on it than we would like to admit. If you’re feeling guilty about the time you spend on Instagram, give yourself a good excuse to be on there and follow some leading thinkers to keep you […]

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Christie's top 7 most asked career questions - Style Nine to Five

Christie’s Top 7 Most Asked Career Questions

Style Nine to Five Founder Christie Lohr is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to careers and especially careers in fashion. She’s constantly being asked for tips and advice on all things career-related and here are some of the most common questions she gets asked, along with her professional advice! 1. I haven’t heard […]

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Bad Job Application Habits to Break - Style Nine to Five

Bad Job Application Habits to Break ASAP

So, you’re applying to jobs and not hearing back. It feels like your personality or experience is the problem, but have you considered that your applications are the issue? Maybe the information on your resume isn’t concise enough, or tells very little about you – or, maybe no hiring managers have even gotten to reading […]

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Customized Job Applications - Style Nine to Five

3 Ways to Save Time on Creating Customized Job Applications

In today’s climate – there is so much competition for job seekers, which is all the more reason the make sure you stand out. As Christie, the Founder of Style Nine to Five says, personalization and customization are key to a successful application.  While customization will help you stand out amongst others also applying for jobs […]

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The Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Your Professional Brand - Christie Lohr Style Nine to Five

The Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Your Professional Brand

The concept of creating your personal brand is a hot topic right now, especially when it comes to social media and creating your presence there. While it’s great to create a personal brand for your career, it’s a great idea to take it a step further and develop your professional brand as well. The two […]

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Get S.M.A.R.T. with Your Career Goals - Style Nine to Five

Get S.M.A.R.T. with Your Career Goals

Having clear objectives can help you create a direction and trajectory for your career. When creating career-driven goals, it is important that they aren’t too broad or generic. We can often get caught up in our ideal “end-game” rather than the necessary steps it takes to get there. When you’re setting goals for your career, […]

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Changing Industries - Style Nine to Five

Changing Industries? Start Here!

If you’re changing your mind about what you want to do for a career, you’re not alone. If you’re wondering how on earth you’re going to go from accounting to marketing, you’re not alone in that either! Whether it’s due to the pandemic wreaking havoc on your current job or you’re just looking to make […]

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YouTube Channels That Will Help Grow Your Business - Style Nine to Five

YouTube Channels That Will Help Grow Your Business

Are you looking to give your business the competitive edge it needs to be taken to the next level, but not sure where to turn?  No stress, we’ve done the research for you! With the number of so-called “business experts” out there it can be difficult to know whose insight is legitimate. The creators behind […]

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Working Internationally in Remote Creative Jobs - Style Nine to Five

Working Internationally in Remote Creative Jobs

Many young professionals or creatives may have dreams of living in international cities with job opportunities in fashion and other creative sectors. But with the pandemic and rates of permanent remote work set to double in 2021, many may be looking to adjust their plans and career goals. So what do you need to know […]

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