Quick Job Tip – 3 Resume Updates You Need to Make Right Now

Three Resume Updates You Need to Make Right Now - Style Nine to Five

As seen in the Girlboss newsletter where Style Nine to Five has been contributing, we’re excited to share one of our work tips of the week. At Style Nine to Five, we’re dedicated to helping you stand out in the competitive job market. Our founder, Christie Lohr, offers practical advice to ensure your resume reflects your best professional self and grabs the attention of potential employers. Stay tuned for expert tips that can make a difference in your career journey.

Work tip of the week:

Three resume updates you need to make right now. Breathe new life into your tired job application with these expert tips from career expert Christie Lohr at Style Nine to Five:

🚀 Swap duties for highlights. We’ve been taught to write a resume by listing duties from past jobs. Instead, step up to a get-noticed level by detailing your biggest accomplishments.

Example: Rather than saying you’ve managed high-volume projects, give specifics on one or two winning projects that stand out as career highlights.

📊 Make use of metrics. Don’t just tell what your accomplishments are—show them with juicy stats that add more weight to your words.

Example: If you’re a marketer sharing a highlight of a successful social media campaign, provide key metrics like the response rate, conversion rate, or audience growth rate to show that you can walk the walk.

⌨️ Use employer keywords. Got writer’s block? Pluck keywords straight from the job description so the employer sees a direct match to what they’re looking for.

Example: If the job description mentions “collaborative teamwork” use that instead of the generic “able to work well in groups” so you’re speaking their language.

Be sure to sign up to Girlboss’s newsletter for more of our work tips of the week, where we share actionable insights to help you advance in your career.