Where Do You See Yourself in the Next Five Years? - Interview Question - Style Nine to Five

“Where Do You See Yourself in the Next Five Years?”

Picture this: you’re in an interview, you’ve answered questions about your job experience, responsibilities for the role, and maybe even a few situational questions. Now, the hiring committee wants to get to know you on a deeper level. “Where do you see yourself in the next five years?” This classic interview question might seem daunting, […]

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How (and Why) to Treat your Job Interview Like a First Date - Style Nine to Five

How (and Why) to Treat your Job Interview Like a First Date

Beyond dressing up in something nice and showing up on time, there are plenty of similarities between a job interview and a first date. Approaching your interview with the same excitement and spark sets you up for a successful meeting with your future employer and leaves you both with excitement about seeing each other again. […]

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5 Questions to Ask Your Job Interviewer - Style Nine to Five

5 Questions to Ask Your Job Interviewer

“So, do you have any questions for us?” *Cue silence* “No, I think you covered everything.” How many times have you been in an interview and your mind goes blank when the interviewer asks if you have any questions? Although the interviewer may have done an overview of the role, this is your opportunity to […]

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How Employers Can Shake up the Typical Interview - Style Nine to Five

How Employers Can Shake up the Typical Interview

“What’s your biggest weakness?” “Why should we hire you?” “What has been your greatest achievement?” “Tell me about yourself.” Yawn. Most hiring manager have been there, done that. These typical interview questions can give you basic information about your interviewee, but chances are, the candidate has pre-rehearsed answers to these standard questions, meaning they can […]

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How to Excel After the First Interview - Style Nine to Five

How to Excel After the First Interview

Congratulations—you’ve made it past the first interview! Take a deep breath and give yourself a big pat on the back. Making it through the first round is something to be so proud of. That said, if you want to be the successful applicant at the end, your work isn’t over yet. Just like your initial […]

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How To Create a Video Application - Style Nine to Five

How to Create a Video Application (and Why!)

The job market is tough right now, and you need to stand out from the sea of competitors that are vying for the same positions. They might have more experience or education than you do, but do they have a personality-filled, fun, energetic, and unique application? If you’ve followed our recent blog posts on creating […]

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6 Ways to Beat the Interview Jitters - Style Nine to Five

6 Ways to Beat the Interview Jitters

No matter how excited you are about getting an interview, your nerves are sure to kick in before the big day. For many of us, job interviews can set off sweaty palms, shortness of breath, a shaky voice, and even forgetting what you were about to say. While you might never be totally relaxed in […]

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Interview the Interviewer

Interviewing the Interviewer

The interviewer takes one last glance at their notes, and begins to say “well, I think that’s about all the questions I have for you, do you have any questions for me?” At this point, you know that the hard part is over, and you can start to breathe easy. But now it’s your turn […]

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Fashion Jobs – Nailing a Phone Interview

Find fashion career advice, internship opportunities, fashion job listings, style careers, retail jobs, job advice, fashion design jobs, social media and pr internships, stylist and buying jobs and more on Style Nine to Five! Potential employers may want to ask you some questions over the phone in order to decide if you are the right candidate […]

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Fashion Jobs – Interview Question: What are your Weaknesses?

Find interview tips, job advice, career advice, job listings, careers, fashion jobs, social media internships, retail jobs, fashion design jobs, buying jobs, fashion stylist jobs and style careers on Style Nine to Five! No job interview is complete without the dreaded, “what’s your greatest weakness” question, or some variation of it. Employers love to ask […]

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