Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years? Interview Tips - Style Nine to Five

Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years? Interview Tips

Where do you see yourself in five years? What are your long term career goals? Your vision for your career path is not only a common interview question for which you should always have an answer prepared, but a beneficial exercise you can use to help make the big decisions of what you really want […]

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5 Common Management-Level Interview Questions & How to Prep

No matter how many job interviews you’ve been through so far, you’re in for some surprises when you get to your first management-level interview. This is where hiring managers start shaking the questions up and attempting to dig even deeper into your work experience – notably, your leadership skills and how you would treat the […]

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How to Stand Out After an Interview - Style Nine to Five

How to Stand Out After an Interview

You submitted a killer cover letter and resume. You got the response from the hiring manager and now you’ve nailed the interview, but what’s next? When going through the interview process it sometimes feels like all you can do is “hurry up and wait.” Although it can feel that way, it’s not entirely true! After […]

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How to Answer Tell Us About Your Personal Interests - Style Nine to Five

How to Answer, “Tell Us About Your Personal Interests?”

You’re acing your job interview, and then the interviewer sneaks in a dreaded question: “What are your hobbies?” We’ve always been told to prepare for questions about the company, your work ethic, and your past jobs, but not your personal life. What could a hiring manager be trying to surmise from that question? Here’s our […]

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5 Things to Never Say In A Job Interview - Style Nine to Five

5 Things to Never Say in a Job Interview

You’re the ideal employee, but slipping up in your job interview means you’ll never get the chance to prove it. Without knowing it, you may be making some major interview mistakes. Here are five statements you should avoid ever saying in a job interview, as well as what you can say instead. 1 – “I’m […]

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How to Demonstrate Your Skills - Style Nine to Five

Show Don’t Tell: How to Demonstrate Your Skills

Employers want to hire the person they know can do the job so, as job seekers, you have to be able to show the hiring manager that you have what it takes. It’s one thing to say you are a skilled worker, but illustrating and exhibiting it for them to see will solidify you as […]

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4 Reasons Why You're Not Getting an Interview - Style Nine to Five

4 Reasons Why You’re Not Getting an Interview

Applying for a position and not getting to the next round can be discouraging, especially if it’s happened more than once. When we put in an application, it’s out of your hands on whether or not the employer is interested in moving forward, but there are few things that are in your control before you […]

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5 Common Interview Questions and How to Prep - Style Nine to Five

5 Common Interview Questions and How to Prep

If you aren’t studying for your job interviews like a test, you’re doing it wrong. For entry level positions, two things will come in handy throughout your interviews: being familiar with even the smallest details of the company, and knowing the exact skills that they want in an employee. Tailor your past experience or your […]

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How to Answer, What are your biggest strengths and weaknesses - Style Nine to Five

How to Answer, “What Are Your Biggest Strengths and Weaknesses?”

We’ve all panicked when this question comes up in an interview: “What would you say are your biggest strengths and weaknesses?”. Highlighting your strengths and weaknesses within an interview is standard practice employers want to know how self-aware you are. Because this question is so frequently asked during the interview process, why not prepare beforehand? […]

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How to Answer "Tell Me About Yourself" in a Job Interview - Style Nine to Five

How to Answer “Tell Me About Yourself” in a Job Interview

It’s usually the first question: “so can you tell me a bit about yourself?” Your mind stops for a moment. Who am I? Why am I qualified? What is my past experience? This has happened to all of us. We are asked this question and our mind goes blank. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered, […]

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