How to Stand Out After an Interview

How to Stand Out After an Interview - Style Nine to Five

You submitted a killer cover letter and resume. You got the response from the hiring manager and now you’ve nailed the interview, but what’s next? When going through the interview process it sometimes feels like all you can do is “hurry up and wait.” Although it can feel that way, it’s not entirely true! After your interview, there are ways that you can continue to stand out to your future employer.

Expressing gratitude for the opportunity to interview at the company will set you apart from the rest of the candidates because it demonstrates that you’re incredibly enthusiastic about working with their team. Here are our recommendations for how to best express your thanks and leave a lasting impression even after your interview is over. 

Email Follow-Up

Emailing the interviewer is a perfect way to say thank you after your interview. Each follow-up should begin with a gracious thank you and should encompass how enthusiastic you are about potentially working for the company. 

The second portion of the email should reference something personal within the meeting. For example, did the interviewer share a personal story or industry knowledge that stuck with you? This (short!) section should express how meeting them makes you more excited about hopefully being a member of the team. For example, did the interviewer talk about strong company culture? A big client of theirs that you would be working with? What is it specific to this company that excited you after the interview?

Finally, if you didn’t include this in your initial application, a great way to finish is to include a link to your portfolio or past work if you mentioned in the meeting. For example, as a graphic designer maybe you talked about a marketing campaign where you thought outside the box. Dropping in a link in your thank you follow-ups will not only refresh the interviewer’s memory but also impress them that you’re going the extra mile instead of sitting back and waiting. 

LinkedIn Connections

LinkedIn is so great to expand your network, which makes it the perfect avenue to send a follow-up thank you and make a connection. LinkedIn is a great platform to reach out on especially if you’re in the second or third round of interviews. What is great about contacting the hiring committee through LinkedIn is it’s directly attached to your employment timeline which showcases your work experience, endorsements, and connections. LinkedIn is an effective platform to reach out to those on the hiring team, potential team members, and any executives that you can make a connection with.

A Handwritten Note 

An oldie but a goodie, handwritten notes are truly a lost art. Hand-written notes are especially effective as they are more intimate and more personal because they take more time and effort than firing off a quick email. By writing a handwritten note expressing your excitement about this potential opportunity, it demonstrates your thoughtfulness and attention to detail. This can be an especially effective tool if you’re applying to a graphic design or social media position and you can design your own graphics on the card to demonstrate your Adobe and/or Canva skillset

We always focus on the lead-up to the interview but thinking about your actions post-interview are just as important. Following up with your potential employers after the interview allows you to be top of mind and shows them how passionate you are about the opportunity. 

Looking to discuss the next steps of your career? Book a Virtual Career Meeting with Style Nine to Five Founder, Christie Lohr. In this one-hour meeting, you’ll have a chance for a strategic discussion with Christie to help you land you your dream role! 

Demetra Maragos – Demetra is a Master of Arts candidate at New York University, who loves thinking outside of conventional lines to combine her passions of everything culture, fashion, and lifestyle.

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