The Quitting-Your-Job Checklist

The Quitting-Your-Job Checklist - Style Nine to Five

Quitting your job is hard – you want to get your last impression on the company right to ensure a good working relationship moving forward. Before you leave your position, there are a few things you should do to make sure you leave on a good note.

1. Plan Your Next Step

Before you quit a job, you should have a second one lined up. At the very least, you should have interviews lined up, plenty of applications sent out, ideas of where to go in the future, or maybe even some freelance gigs lined up to hold you over if you can’t find a job right away. This is because you don’t always know how long it’s going to take you to find another job. Not only do you need to keep yourself afloat, but in the work world, it’s best to avoid big gaps in your resume.

2. Speak to Your Manager

Plenty of people will be tempted to skip straight to step #3 – don’t do it. You need to set aside some time to sit down with your boss, inform them you plan on leaving and why. This is especially warranted before you inform anyone else you work with of your decision. Your manager will appreciate the notice – this way, they can assign tasks to you accordingly in your final days with the company and get started on finding your replacement. They’ll let you know which tasks or projects need to be wrapped up, anything needed from you to help the next person who takes your position transition smoothly, and ensure no new tasks are asked of you.

Being honest with your manager ensures that you’ll leave on a good note with them and the company, should you need a reference in the future or anything else moving forward.Dream Job Workbook Style Nine to Five

3. Write A Letter of Resignation

When you have said conversation with your manager, turn in your letter of resignation as well. The conversation you have with your manager will be more informal (though stay professional during it!) as it isn’t essential, but the letter of resignation is your formal resignation. It’s best to have the date that you announce your resignation and your final date in writing. Keep a copy of it for yourself too, just in case.

Letters of resignation are simple. You don’t need to state a reason or talk about your upcoming position. Keep it short and to the point:

I am writing to notify you that I am resigning from [position] at [company], effective [two weeks from the date].

Aside from the date and greetings and sign-offs, that’s really all you need. You’re welcome to thank your employer for the opportunity if you’d like, but it’s not necessary.

4. Finish Off Strong

Just because you’re leaving this job in two weeks doesn’t mean you should be phoning it in. Every time you go to work for those final two weeks, continue to do the absolute best you can. If you’re finishing off a project, make it the best project you’ve created at the company. If you’re helping someone transition into your role, ensure that there’s no stone left unturned when you show them how to do your job.

You’ll want to leave the company on a high because those final weeks are how your employer and co-workers are going to remember you. If you need references or a recommendation letter in the future, they’ll think back to the last time they saw you – doing your absolute best even though you truly had no need to, leaving the position in the best shape you possibly could.

While the entire process can be daunting, it will make your life a lot easier in the long run to hit all these steps on your way out. Everyone at your former company will respect you much more and they’ll be sure to share that sentiment with any future companies you’ll need their references for.

Still stuck on the first step? Purchase the Style Nine to Five Get Hired in Your Dream Job Workbook!

Emily Morrison is a media professional with passions for writing, film and popular culture.