You’re searching for a job, but LinkedIn keeps turning up empty and Indeed always has the same jobs. Besides Style Nine to Five (of course!), where else is there to look? Trust me – job opportunities are everywhere online, you just have to know where to look. Maybe your next job will pop up on a previously unexplored corner of the Internet or your very own social media feed. Here’s three of the most effective places to look for jobs when your main sources for opportunities grow tired.
1 – Facebook Groups
Much like LinkedIn, Facebook has groups available for a variety of industries. They are generally dedicated to helping people within the industry in different ways, meaning job opportunities are shared frequently. Honestly, I wouldn’t be writing this article if I hadn’t found the freelance opportunity through a Facebook group! And, as an added bonus, these groups tend to share a number of other things that could help you out, such as networking opportunities, apprenticeships or seminars.
Seek out industry-specific groups, career groups for post-secondary alumni (quick tip: most of them don’t check to see you graduated from the school!), and general job hunting support groups. There are also often groups that cater towards BIPOC, LGBTQ+ and female workers in specific industries to look out for.
Finally, people in Facebook career groups often link and recommend other similar groups, niche job boards, or Google Docs with lists of hiring companies that may help you out, so keep an eye out for those while browsing as well. It’ll only expand the scope of your job hunt even further.
2 – Company Websites
Sometimes, the company you’ve been dreaming of working for isn’t even sharing opportunities on job boards – but, no matter where else on the Internet they’re posted, job opportunities will nearly always be accessible on a company’s website.
If you have a company in mind that you’ve been really hoping to work for, keep tabs on their careers page. But, if you don’t have a specific workplaces in mind and you’re simply looking for any job you can get, you can still find work this way. Seek out companies in your area that seem like they could use someone with your skills and keep an eye on them. For example, someone with a background in social media marketing or digital design could look for local advertising agencies.
Doing this sounds like a lot of work and it may still turn up empty, though – so what do you do to make it not feel like a waste? If you have the time, cold-emailing might be your answer!
3 – Twitter
If you follow the right people, your Twitter feed could be flooded with job opportunities. Many companies will either link opportunities on their websites, or create bite-sized job descriptions with an attached email for application submissions. Twitter is especially ideal for freelancers since the platform is so straight to the point, although you can definitely find full-time gigs as well. I’ve seen opportunities for companies as big as Netflix and Vice pop up on my Twitter feed, and not once did I see these job postings anywhere else.
Consider making a professional Twitter to hunt for jobs. Don’t just focus on following companies and their employees, though, follow absolutely anyone within your desired industry – those are the people who are often retweeting opportunities. Twitter also gives you the opportunity to share your work and network with others in your industry – who knows, maybe a job opportunity will be presented directly to you if the right person stumbles across your page.
Job opportunities may pop up where you least expect it. Even when you’re just scouring your Instagram or TikTok feed – or, of course, browsing the Style Nine to Five website – be on the lookout. Expanding your search to places that you never thought to look at for jobs may score you the opportunity of your dreams.
On the hunt for a job, but feeling unsure about your applications? Try booking Style Nine to Five’s Resume Refresh!
Emily Morrison is a freelance writer and media professional with passions for film and storytelling.