How to Make the Most of Your Remote Internship

How to Make the Most of Your Remote Internship - Style Nine to Five

Internships can already be difficult to navigate, but throwing in the aspect of working remotely during a pandemic can be a whole other can of worms. The purpose of internships is to gain experience understanding in your field, and although you might not be in a physical office space to interact with colleagues, there’s still so much to gain from an internship in a remote setting. Here are five ways to make the most out of your remote internship.

1 – Find an Internship You’re Interested In!

Although this may seem obvious, finding an internship you’re genuinely interested in is imperative. When choosing an internship, you should be thinking, “Is this something I can see myself doing in the future?” If your gut is telling you no, continue to look.

Passion especially in a remote setting is key as you will not have some of the social benefits of working in an office setting with colleagues, so you have to really love the work you assigned or the industry as a whole. If you’re unsure of where to find internships check out your post-secondary job board or email your program coordinator.

2 – Establish Your Strengths

During your onboarding process give your supervisor insight into your strengths and interests. Although it can be uncomfortable to express what you’re good at, think of it as benefiting the company as whole. For example, are you an excellent essay writer? If so, suggest assisting with research packages or company-wide newsletters.

That said, don’t pigeonhole yourself into only feeling comfortable doing tasks you’re good at, because you’re there to learn and expand your skill set. By doing so, you’re creating concrete strengths and hard skills you can take forward into future positions.

3 – Set Up Designated Meeting Times with Your Supervisor

Whether it is weekly or bi-weekly, having a (virtual) face-to-face interaction with your supervisor is key. Creating authentic connections, especially during these unprecedented times, is a necessity. Use this time to ask questions on your performance. Is there anything you should be doing differently?  Are there any other areas of the business you can help with? Or maybe you have a question about your supervisor’s role if it’s something you might have an interest in.

Use this time wisely and avoid asking generic question that you can find answers to online. If you’re tasked with working on the company newsletter, don’t waste time asking how to create a newsletter (just Google the basics!), but instead ask if they have a company style guide or a content calendar for specific themes. You’ll have limited face-time with your supervisor, so you want to make the most of it by asking productive questions.

4 – Share a Task List

Taking the initiative of creating a weekly task list with deadlines helps you keep track of your responsibilities, but also informs your supervisor of what you’re doing. Make sure that they’re able to access and edit this list via Google Drive, as they may have more tasks to add as the week moves forward. It’s impressive to see that you’re committed to be organized and on task, while also giving them insight into all the various projects you’re working on.

5 – Ask to Sit In on Meetings

If you feel comfortable with your supervisor, request to sit in on meetings that are applicable to a role you’re interested in. In a remote setting, you can join via Zoom (or similar) and have the ability to turn off your camera and mute yourself and just observe. For example, if you’re interested in being a Social Media Coordinator, request to sit in on a content scheduling meeting so you are able to get real insight on strategies the company uses to optimize their various platforms. 

It is important to remember to maximize what is available to you during your internship. These tactics will help you get the most out of what the opportunity has to offer. Above all, remember to have fun and enjoy the experience! The purpose of the internship program is not only to build your resume but to spark further interest in your chosen industry.

Do you have a burning career question but you’re not sure who to ask? Style Nine to Five has got you! Try the Ask 1 Career Question where you will be able to submit one career related question email to Style Nine to Five Founder, Christie Lohr, for her expert advice, personalized for you. 

Demetra Maragos – Demetra is a Master of Arts candidate at New York University, who loves thinking outside of conventional lines to combine her passions of everything culture, fashion and lifestyle.