Fashion Jobs – Plan Bs For New Grads

ST95-ADSgrad inspo

So you’ve finally made it through your program at post-secondary and just graduated, excited for the road ahead. But now what? Many new grads these days find themselves eager to start a career, but are having a hard time finding a job in their field. It can be especially hard for fashion grads, who are entering a relatively small and tight knit industry. There’s no need to be discouraged though, as there are many alternatives to choose from after graduation that don’t necessarily mean jumping straight into climbing the corporate ladder. Here are a couple of plans of action to consider after graduation if you can’t find a job in your field right away.

Find a Job
First of all, you can take a job of any kind. Yes, your resume may say you’ve graduated with a degree or diploma in fashion, but that doesn’t mean you can’t work in the hospitality or business industry! No matter what job you decide to take on, you will gain valuable skills that can be applied across fields for future jobs. Also, trying a different kind of job that can somehow be linked to your education is great. For example, you may start out as just a waitress at a restaurant chain, but who knows, you may be able to work your way up to head office one day!

You can also do a little bit of travelling after graduation, which can be fun and educational. You can learn more than you think while traveling, such as budgeting, foreign languages, and navigational skills. You will be able to soak up culture from other places and meet great new people. Travelling can open up your mind and may even give you an idea of where you want to permanently move to one day! It doesn’t always have to be a huge trip either, even travelling to a different city in your country can help open you up to other possibilities you may not have thought of before.

After graduation is probably the best time to take a moment for yourself. You’ve just finished all of your schooling and next thing you know, will have a job, spouse, kids and a house, so there’s nothing wrong with taking a pause! There is a lot of pressure these days for young adults to have the perfect job and life right after they’ve graduated, but in reality there’s nothing wrong with taking a couple months off to focus on what you like and makes you happy. It’s always best to be in the right frame of mind and focused when entering a new job, and taking some time off can help that. You can move back home and spend time with family and friends, or you can also spend it alone, whichever you enjoy more.

Find a New Hobby
Starting a new hobby on the side or volunteer work can also help you ease into the post-grad life. If there is something you really enjoy doing, like pottery or painting, you can always consider making it into a business to get a little side cash. Volunteering is a great way to spend your time if you do not have a job yet and it can also help beef up your resume for the future. Doing either of these things can help you feel productive without the need for a 9 to 5!

Graduating from post-secondary should be a great feeling, not one that induces panic on what to do next, so savor the moment and do what you want to do afterwards. You are in charge of your own happiness and if it doesn’t necessarily mean a job in your field right away, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that! Just make smart decisions and have fun along the way.

Inspiration Image: Courtesy of Odyssey Online

By: Sarah Brooks, Toronto

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