Last week, Style Nine to Five Founder, Christie Lohr, answered your fashion career questions on Twitter. Here they are!
1. Question: @stylererouted “Any advice for making it past the intern job title? #SNTFCareerChat
Answer: @StyleNineToFive “Work hard and be nice because they will remember you for when an opening comes up! Oh and intern experiences are amazing for the resume and the right employer will see and value that! It’s easy to give up, but it’s those who don’t that make it!”
2. Question: @sunny_d_z “What is your best advice on how to make a resume stand out?”
Answer: @StyleNineToFive ” Always include a cover letter that states why you love the company you’re applying to and why you’re so great! Keep your resume to the point and with the most relevant experience. Skip unnecessary info. I’m not a fan of ‘Interests’ on a resume.
3. Question: @maisonstylecdn “What are some key points/skills etc that employers look for on a resume?”
Answer: @StyleNineToFive “Leadership, length at a job (no hopping around), how you describe your job role, volunteer experience.”
4. Question: @KiyoshaTeixeira “In order to network with people how do you refrain from coming off as a “groupie”? Would you say emailing is better?”
Answer: @StyleNineToFive “Never FB or Tweet at someone if you want to be taken seriously. Email them introducing yourself and ask to meet for a coffee meeting”
5. Question: @maisonstylecdn “What’s the best approach to a company you want to work for even if they aren’t hiring?
Answer: @StyleNineToFive “Introduce yourself. Send an email on why you want to work for them and how much you’re interested should a position open.”
6. Question: @stylererouted “How did you know it was the right decision to strike out on your own?”
Answer: @StyleNineToFive “I had enough experience, knowledge, confidence and networks in what I wanted to do. I would not have succeeded if I started this even 5 years ago.”
7. Question: @NiksD87 “What qualities or skills make an applicant stand out from the rest of the pack?”
Answer: @StyleNineToFive “Leadership, length at a job (no hopping around), volunteer experience, relavant education.”
8. Question: @RobynPY “Networking seems to be the more efficient route to take when looking for jobs. Is the traditional résumé becoming obsolete?”
Answer: @StyleNineToFive “Not at all! They really are your 1st impression. If you’re not lucky enough to have the networking opportunities, resumes are key. I get resumes daily, and I’ll meet with someone based on a good resume even if I’m not hiring.”
9. Question: @rosemarymelnyk “Is it okay to contact someone via LinkedIn for a professional informational meeting? #STFNCareerChat”
Answer: @StyleNineToFive ” Yes, but you may not get a response. I prefer email still! See if you can find their email address online. #SNTFCareerChat”
10. Question: @moegenore “I saw you say “job hopping” isn’t good. What would you recommend for someone who has had many jobs (as a student)?”
Answer: @StyleNineToFive “Job hopping just shows either lack of commitment or you may not have been a good fit. Only include relevant jobs! Not all! I should clarify, you should avoid company hopping..you can try many jobs within that company!”
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