“How do I reach my career goal?”, “What path should I take?”, “What should I put on my resume?”, “How should I answer this question in an interview?”, or “What should I wear?” Everyone knows your resume and job interview are both important parts of getting that job. It’s really all in the details and sometimes you need a fresh set of eyes and a few key tips to ensure you make a good impression. I would love to help you with your resume, career advice and answer your questions about the fashion industry. Enter our contest to get a one-on-one career advice session over lunch! Details below:
1) Email christie@styleninetofive.com with the subject: Career Advice Contest
2) In the email, include a few sentences about yourself and why you’d like to participate in the career advice session.
*Must be located in the Vancouver area. Contest ends Friday, November 9th, 2012, 11:59PM PST.
By: Christie Lohr
You should follow me on Twitter @Christie_Lohr @StyleNinetoFive @BeautyNine2Five.
Photo Credit: Framework Mag, Marc Marayag Photography
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