Social media helps us to stay connected and to have access to a wealth of information. LinkedIn is one of the top social media platforms where professionals can connect to discuss industry relevant topics and to apply for numerous jobs. Let’s dive into understanding why a strong LinkedIn profile matters and what tips and tricks can help you stand out!
1 – Fine-Tune Your Profile
Most employers believe that a candidate’s LinkedIn profile is just as important as their resume. Recruiters search for candidates on LinkedIn by using keywords that relate to the positions such as related companies, job titles or educational background. Therefore, it is ideal that you include all career relevant information on your profile. Be sure, to even include your main job duties. The more information, the better!
Also, remember to include a professional photo for your profile picture. You can highlight your smile or showcase your professional look. This visual attracts recruiters to your profile.
Tip: Include a background photo on your profile. The background photo is located on the top of your profile. Select an image that relates to your industry or something that showcases who you are! This extra step will help your profile to stand out.
2 – Respond to Messages
Once a recruiter views your profile, they may send you an InMail or direct message. It is important to always view and respond to your messages in a timely manner. Whenever you make a new connection on LinkedIn or if a recruiter sends you a message about a job opportunity, it is always in proper etiquette to respond, even if you’re not interested.
Tip: When responding to messages, always craft the response similarly to an email. Be sure to include a salutation and include the recipient’s first name. Your custom message will stand out to the recipient.
3 – Post Content
Once you have built your network on LinkedIn, you will have access to a wealth of information such as organizational updates, industry news and sometimes even personal stories that will resonate with you. Make an effort to respond to posts that you connect with. By doing this, it puts your profile out there for potential connections (recruiters too!) to view. Connections can help you locate new job opportunities, gain referrals and references.
Sharing and posting your own information on the platform is a great way to connect with your network and to grow your reach. You can share posts that connect with your likes or your industry. You can also create original content about topics that relate to your industry or topics that you are passionate about. For example, if you work in the healthcare industry; you may want to create posts on new medical innovations or new policies and procedures that have been introduced. This will show recruiters that you are always trying to stay current on any new information that is introduced in your field of work.
Tip: Remember to comment on any posts that you personally connect to. Keep your comments concise and professional. Don’t be shy, you can even direct your comments to your connections as well! Get the conversation going!
These few tips will have your profile standing out! You’ll be able to grow your network while learning new industry-relevant concepts and showcasing your professionalism at the same time.
Looking to create or improve your LinkedIn profile? Connect with Style Nine to Five Founder, Christie Lohr for a LinkedIn Profile Review to help highlight your career accomplishments!
Najja Morris is a human resources professional with passions for writing and fashion.
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