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Setting the tone for the day is so important. We’ve all felt that awful feeling of waking up on the wrong side of the bed. Once you wake up in a bad mood or a weird mood, it’s really hard to shake it off. Here at SNTF, we’ve come up with some sure-fire ways to help you start your day off right.
Give yourself plenty of time in the morning
The feeling of rushing around in the morning, probably forgetting things, and not giving yourself ample time to adjust to the morning, really gives you a feeling of unease and anxiousness throughout the day. We recommend setting an earlier than usual alarm, taking your time to wake up in bed, and not feel like your rushing while you’re getting ready. You’d be amazed at how much better and at ease you will feel throughout the day. You’ll also feel productive. You’ve started your day earlier and have had so much more time to accomplish things on your to-do list.
Start your day with good intentions. One of our favourite things to do is write in our Five-Minute journal in the morning (they can be purchased at Indigo or Amazon). This journal gives you daily prompts and time to think of the things you’re grateful for, want to accomplish and think of daily affirmations. It’s a great way to have some ‘you’ time without making a huge effort in the morning. Keep this journal on your bedside table and make these first five minutes a routine.
Meditation takes a lot of time and practice to fully get into the groove, but there are great apps like Headspace that can help you with this practice. Through guided meditations, all at varying lengths to suit your lifestyle, you are able to clear your mind and tap into your emotions and how your body feels. Doing this in the morning is like having a daily check in with yourself. You can tell if your body needs a bit more love, if you need to take it a bit easier, or if you feel great!
Get Moving
Start your day with a workout, stretch or yoga. Getting your body moving is a fantastic way to wake yourself up and feel energized. You get all your endorphins going and just feel like you can conquer the day.
Eat a nutritious breakfast
The best part of the morning is breakfast. Whether you eat light or you make a full, cooked breakfast, eating a nutritional meal is the best way to start your day. You will be moving and thinking and working, meaning you need some gas in your tank! Try making overnight oats with fruit, or boiling some eggs for breakfast. Set your day up for success.
By: Megan Renaud, Vancouver, @meganbrigette
Photo by: The Every Girl