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Thinking of asking for a raise? It can be so nerve wrecking and hard to get the confidence to do do it. Remember if you don’t ask, then you won’t receive. Here are some things to keep in mind when you prepare to ask your boss for a raise.
Timing is key
While you may have been thinking about the raise for a while, your boss hasn’t. Put yourself in their shoes and think about what is going on in their day or week. If you know that your boss has a big pitch coming up, scheduling a time to chat right before the deadline is probably not the best and they will be less receptive to your needs. Instead, choosing a time when you know your boss will have the time to think it through and the company is doing well would be better.
Know the pay practices at your company.
Before setting up a meeting with your boss, find out the processes and procedures on pay raises. There may be some time requirements and other practices put into place that you may not be aware about and will want to keep in mind before you speak to your boss.
Know the worth of your job.
This is key! You may feel like you deserve a six-figure salary for all the late nights you’re putting in, but you have to be realistic. It will help your case if you research the industry standards and compare what perks and salary expectations you have versus someone else working your job in a similar company.
Believe in your value and what you currently bring to the table – and show how you’re ready to work even harder.
You do not want to appear whiny when you’re speaking to your boss. Be sensitive to what you’re saying, how you’re saying it, and how it may be received. Your boss knows your role and what it entails, so rather than telling them what you do, explain how you’re do the job better, how this is adding more value to the company, and why what you’re doing deserves more money.
Prepare for next steps.
Prepare for anything that may come out of that meeting – including being turned down. Have a game plan for what you’re going to do if you don’t see those extra Benjamins straight away. This game plan could mean many things like coming up with a timeline with your boss for what you have to do and when your salary could be reviewed or discussing the possibility of a bonus instead of a raise.
At the end of the day – just do it! Know your worth and take charge of your career growth! Sometimes all you have to do is ask!
Image sourced from Monster.com
By: Nikita Due
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