4 Interview Secrets from the Hiring Committee - Style Nine to Five

4 Interview Secrets from the Hiring Committee

Hiring managers have plenty of things that they look for during an interview, and some of them are things you can’t plan, rehearse or, sometimes, directly answer a question with. Here are four things that hiring managers secretly want to see from their applicants. 1. Demonstrate that you’re prepared A ton of research should go […]

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How to Ask for What you Want at Work - Style Nine to Five

How to Ask for What You Want at Work

One of the most important deciding factors of success is one’s ability and willingness to advocate for themselves. Sometimes it doesn’t matter how hard you work, how many great ideas you bring to the team meetings, or how much you increase the company’s bottom line – if you aren’t willing to ask for more, you […]

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Ways to Be A Better Manager - Style Nine to Five

4 Ways to Be A Better Manager

You’ve finally worked your way up to becoming a manager, and now, the anxiety hits: how do you make sure you’re a good leader? How do you keep the balance of having your employees both like you and respect you? Here are four tips for being a great manager. 1. Be Empathetic The worst managers […]

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5 Metrics That Hiring Managers Pay Attention To - Style Nine to Five

5 Metrics That Hiring Managers Pay Attention To

Hiring managers love seeing specific, measurable achievements in your application. These metrics can usually boil down to a single number, which makes them very appealing and eye catching on a resume. So, what metrics are hiring managers looking for that you can include on your resume? The Easily Measurable: 1 – Social Media Social media […]

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5 Unexpected Traits of Great Leaders You Can Apply to Any Role - Style Nine to Five

5 Unexpected Traits of Great Leaders You Can Apply to Any Role

While the term “leader” often brings up connotations such as “alpha”, or “dominant”, what makes a great leader is deeply nuanced and often holds many traits associated more like “supportive”, “patient” and “understanding”. Having great leadership qualities can be tremendously beneficial to yourself and those around you, making for a more positive and efficient work […]

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How to Address Being Fired When Applying to New Jobs

Getting fired isn’t the end of the world, so don’t treat it as such! After a termination, the best thing to do is get up and put yourself out there again to find a new job. You’re sure to find one eventually, and it’ll get your confidence back up! Until then, there’s only one obstacle […]

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3 Career Benefits to Being an Introvert - Style Nine to Five

3 Career Benefits to Being an Introvert

As an introverted person, sometimes I feel worried the workforce isn’t for me. Climbing up the career ladder sometimes seems harder than it would be to somebody more outgoing than me – for example, my extroverted friends have more connections in their field, or will have a better time at a networking event than I […]

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conditional job offer - style nine to five

What Happens After a Conditional Job Offer?

Congratulations! You have received a conditional job offer and are probably feeling a mix of emotions – happiness and anxiety! Don’t fret, we will dive into what exactly happens after a candidate has received a conditional job offer from their new employer. Usually, a conditional job offer is given when specific employment-relevant checks need to […]

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Recruiter’s Secret Tips to Make Their Clients the Top Candidates - Style Nine to Five

Recruiter’s Secret Tips to Make Their Clients the Top Candidates

This week we’re dishing out the inside secrets on how to position yourself to land the job of your dreams. These are the exclusive tips that recruiters, like Style Nine to Five’s Founder Christie Lohr, use to help their clients elevate their applications and land job interviews. Do you have a pen and paper ready? […]

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Remote Jobs - Is Professional Nomading Right for You - Style Nine to Five

Remote Jobs – Is Professional Nomading Right for You?

For many of us, remote work is the new normal. You might miss the office routine and constant socializing, but remote work has plenty of benefits. Consider the fact that working remotely means you can work from wherever you want – meaning travel is a huge option. This is called professional nomading – taking on […]

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