Your career search has started, and you have applied to countless jobs, reviewed numerous job postings, and have finally received an invitation for an interview! This is very exciting but it may also be nerve-wracking. Don’t worry, here are some tips to help you prepare for a job interview, both in-person or virtually.
1. Learn Everything About the Company
Researching about the organization is a great way to show the interviewer that you have taken initiative to learn more about their company objective and values. By doing this, you will stand out against other candidates. Set aside some time to research and learn more about the organization that you are interviewing with. A quick google search is a great way to begin your research. Try to focus on understanding the following areas of the company:
• History of the organization
• Mission or organizational goals
• Core values
• Most recent accomplishments (awards won, industry-related achievements)
Once you have completed your research, share your knowledge about the organization during the interview. Don’t wait for the hiring manager or recruiter to ask you the famous question, “Why do you want to work for this company”. Take the initiative to share what you know about the company.
2. Review the Job Posting
Now that you have a greater understanding of the organization, set aside time to further review the job posting. Best practice is to always review the job posting both when applying to jobs and prior to an interview. It is a great way to refresh your knowledge on the role itself. During the interview, connect your work experience with the requirements of the job by providing the interviewer with examples from your work history that directly align with the experience they outlined in the job posting.
Create a list of specific and relatable examples from your work experience that you would like to share during the interview. Focus on providing the interviewer with relevant situations where your work experience connects to the expected responsibilities of the role that you are applying for.
3. Make Connections within the Company
During an interview, it is equally important to be knowledgeable about your field and to be able to connect with the interviewer. Hiring managers and recruiters often look for candidates who are not only great at their job but are also able to be a team player.
LinkedIn is a great tool to connect professionals from various industries together.
Connect with individuals from the company to learn more about their perspective of working for the company. This will help you to understand the culture of the organization. Below is a great LinkedIn message template:
Hello First Name,
My name is _______ and I am currently in the recruitment process for the job position at company name. I am very excited about this opportunity and would love to hear about your personal experience working at the organization.
This template is an easy way to introduce yourself to current employees who work for the company that interests you. By forming a connection, you can set up some time to further discuss their experience working at the company. You can learn more about the culture of the company, their values and much more. Overall, this will help you to determine if the role is the right fit for you and your needs.
4. Look the Part
The final tip to help you prepare for your interview is to plan the perfect interview outfit. It is important to dress accordingly to the organization’s dress code. In the end, it is important to not only follow the dress code but to wear an outfit that you feel comfortable in. This will boost your confidence and allow you to focus on perfecting your interview.
These tips will help you not only be confident during the job interview but also land your perfect job! Finally, once the interview is over, always remember to send a thank-you e-mail to the interviewer.
Looking for specific advice on how to prepare for your interview? Ask Style Nine to Five Founder, Christie Lohr, One Career Question!
Najja Morris is a human resources professional with passions for writing and fashion.
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