Toronto Fashion Jobs – Life Long Learner

In this fluid and ever changing industry of fashion, we learn new tricks every day on the job to manage the flux. What happens when what you know is not enough to keep up? You may need to consider updating your skills through schooling. Don’t fret!  It doesn’t have to mean a do-over for your whole fashion education. You may only need to recognize your areas for improvement and address them. Sometimes, on-the-job training may not be enough to add the bulk of experience you need to take it to the next level, and upgrading makes sense if you’re moving forward in this creative and technological industry. Performance apparel testing, textile development, computer pattern drafting and grading, creative illustration programs — all of these areas of fashion are advancing at amazing rates and it’s up to you to keep developing matching skills!

Post secondary schools are required to uphold industry standards in training, so while you may have left school three years ago, the program you graduated from could have new dimensions you need to consider in your field. If you’re not a new grad and your fashion program seems a distant memory, then revisit programs at schools to see how they’ve changed. Registrar’s offices and staff are there to answer your questions, so don’t be shy about inquiring! Don’t have time for more school?  Classes often run on flexible schedules, as more and more adults juggle work during the day and school in the evening. There is often online learning available, and correspondence courses and weekend workshops to accommodate all those aspects of busy lives. Education comes in many forms, particularly in this vast industry, so it’s up to you to make upgrading fit into yours.

If you’re in a position where you’re not using your skills, or not working, check out local papers and community bulletin boards for inexpensive work shops. Something quick, challenging and fun could be just the thing to jump off your resume later. You will connect with like minded fashion people and make some great contacts for the future. If are specific about the skill you need to acquire, then think about a private tutor or lessons. Consider the people you already know: former classmates, current colleagues and work mentors are a great source of information and potential teachers! In this industry, new computer software may require only a few days of one-on-one help before you master it. You can now add that qualificationto your skill set, and continue learning and teaching others. Before you know it, your resume reads like a dream!

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By: Andrea Charlton

Andrea Charlton is a Vancouver-based Freelance Fashion Writer, and has spent over a decade working in various areas of the industry. Her latest efforts include helping post secondary students with education and work.

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