Fashion Jobs – 5 Body Language Body Interview Mistakes

Style Nine to Five - Fashion Jobs CanadaPoor Posture

Your dream company is hiring. So you curate a perfectly manicured resume, flawless cover letter and land yourself an interview – you’re pretty confident you’ve got this in the bag. However, forget to smile, or fail to make proper eye contact with the interviewer and you might just sabotage your chance of landing the job.

That’s right, from the moment you enter the interview you’re quietly been evaluated on all your nonverbal cues and gestures. Instead of focusing on what you’re actually saying or your wide array of work experience, the hiring manager might be concentrating on your shaky leg or your nervous nail biting habit. Poor body language can send signals to the interviewer that you’re underqualified, timid and lack confidence in your abilities.

When your dream job is on the line, you don’t want these mistakes to be the determining factor for bringing you onto the team. To help you prepare for the hot seat, take notes and practice avoiding these five common body language mistakes.

1. Weak Handshake

No pressure, but a handshake is your FIRST opportunity to leave a good impression and if done wrong it might just be your LAST mistake. A weak (or too firm) handshake can set the tone for the rest of the interview, so it’s crucial you practice this gesture religiously.

If your handshake is too limp it can hint to a lack of confidence, however if your handshake is too firm it can signal overcompensating. To play it safe, have a steady grip, and make sure to mirror the person whose hand your shaking. Oh and don’t forget- practice makes perfect so be sure to try some mock interview introductions to help prepare you for this moment.

2. Lack of Eye Contact

A seemingly obvious yet incredibly important piece of advice is to retain good eye contact during the interview. Be carefully not to take this too far, you should provide the interviewer with your complete and undivided attention while politely breaking eye contact every so often to avoid producing an unnatural gaze.

3. Fidgeting

The biggest tell-tale sign that your nervous in an interview is shown through fidgeting. Fidgeting can come in the form of twirling your hair, touching your face, or tapping your foot.

Try and remain in control of these nervous ticks and clasp your hands upon the table while making a conscious effort to avoid moving them. Remember, diminishing your need to fidget when interviewing is all mind over matter.

4. Poor Posture

Borrowing from our mother’s textbook on etiquette, sitting up straight during an interview not only helps you look taller but also more self-assured and engaged. Poor posture, specifically slouching makes you look uninterested and withdrawn compelling the interviewer to question your commitment to the position.

5. Resting B**** Face 

It’s taken years for this phenomenon to come to light, known colloquially as Resting B**** Face. It serves only to intimidate and informs the interviewer that you’re just not that interested. What’s worse? You probably don’t even realize you’re doing it.

Interviewing is undoubtedly nerve-wracking and even though you may be under stress while answering tough questions, you should never underestimate the power of a pearly white smile. Don’t be afraid to showcasing your personality, this will show the potential employer that you’re engaged and enthusiastic about the opportunity to join the organization.

By Jennifer Wilcox @jlynnwilcox

Image Courtesy of: Levo

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