The life of a fashion student is all but glamorous. Usually consisting of late nights, early mornings, copious amounts of coffee, hard work and dedication, you truly do have to have a love for the industry to appreciate all of these things and make it worth it.
While attending John Casablancas studying Fashion design and business marketing, I am also juggling an Internship, a job, working out five days a week, managing my own personal blog and brand and trying to fit in some ‘me’ time. It is definitely a fast paced industry, but that’s why I love it.
The life of a fashion student, my life, is very hands on. School days run from 9-6, with classes from styling, marketing, fashion illustration, buying, and fashion show production, etc. After that you’re usually up ‘til at least midnight doing homework and sourcing for your next photo shoot (this is where the copious amounts of coffee comes in). Tip: I highly recommend buying a Keurig so you don’t spend your rent at Starbucks.
The great thing about being a fashion student is all of the great opportunities you are given and the connections you meet. Being a student, companies are more understanding with bringing you on as an intern, and willing to help you gain experience in the environment and learn the ropes of the industry. I have had many great opportunities of working with celebrity stylists, being apart of Nordstrom’s Fashion Show, as well as writing and working for well known brands and entrepreneurs in the industry. Yes, the fashion world is hard and competitive but it is so fun!
All of the hard work, late nights, and times I’ve literally just stopped and cried from the stress have become so worth it the closer I get to graduation. Next month I am officially graduated and done school, and for our graduation we get to plan, and create a full fashion show showcasing our designs and styling. Pretty cool, right?
After graduation I am officially a ‘big girl’ and with my education and the internships, I have gained the experience and confidence I need to put myself ahead of the pack. Interviews no longer seem so frightening and I’ve learnt what I need to know to get my foot in the door and start killing it in the industry.
Inspiration Image of Ein and Tanja, Curtesy of Style My
By: Jordan Sangster
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