I’m now offering resume reviews and career advice over coffee! Don’t live in Vancouver? Let’s chat on the phone or skype.
“What should I be doing?”, “How do I reach my career goal?”, “What path should I take?”, “What should I put on my resume?”, or “How should I answer this question in an interview?” Ask me anything! Everyone knows your resume and job interview are both important parts of getting that job. It’s really all in the details and sometimes you need a fresh set of eyes and a few key tips to ensure you make a good impression.
I would love to help you with your resume and cover letter to help get you noticed by prospective employers. I’ll offer career advice on steps to take going forward and the types of experiences that will enrich your resume to make you an ideal candidate for your dream fashion job. I’ll also help you network with the right people, if it’s suitable.
A 30 minute session with me is $50. Please email christie@styleninetofive.com. Looking forward to setting you up for success!
Christie Lohr
Photo Credit: Marc Marayag
Are you an employer? Post your fashion job here.
Are you a job seeker? Find fashion jobs here.