4 Stylist Jobs - Style Nine to Five

4 Stylist Jobs

So, you love fashion and you want to make it a career. What next? Are you someone who enjoys the creative process of piecing together outfits? Do you suggest clothes for your friends when you go out shopping with them? Becoming a stylist might be the obvious answer for you, but you need to narrow […]

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Career Guide: Costume Designer vs. Wardrobe Stylist - Style Nine to Five

Career Guide: Costume Designer vs. Wardrobe Stylist

The word “wardrobe” is often used as an umbrella term to refer to fashion styling and the costume department. There’s even a common misconception that wardrobe stylists and costume designers are the same thing. Knowing the difference between these two lines of work is helpful if you’re trying to navigate a career in wardrobe – […]

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