We’re all guilty of doing! Whether it’s taking a picture in a boutique change room to decide if you will buy that new hot dress or showing off your latest purchase and posting it on Instagram. I remember during high school I would cut out my favourite outfits from magazines and create my own little inspiration board for my shopping wish list every season. Well, a lot has changed since my high school days with the help from social media. Admiring fashion from all over has taken itself to a whole new level.
Let’s first start pre-social media – something I can’t believe is actually possibly to say. Street style bloggers such as The Sartorialist and Tommy Ton have slowly paved the way for many to admire fashion on an everyday level. Throughout their travels, these photographers and fashion journalists have taken pictures of models, socialites and every day fashion lovers capturing unique trends and ensemble combinations. Many admirers would follow continuing with piece captures from separate garments sharing their fashion finds whether it was from the latest boutique or trendy vintage store. With the help of blogging sites like Tumblr, everyone could join and follow along with this fashion community socializing and sharing their favourite designers and outfits.
Fast forward to today and we now have the social media boom with other outlets like Pinterest and Instagram where designers, store chains, local boutiques, stylists and even more fashion bloggers can share and post their favourite clothes for the whole world to see and be inspired.
I have given in have seen so many different style combinations that I am afraid at times to check my i
Instagram for the fear that I will probably head out to the closest mall and hunt. Pinterest has opening the door for fashionistas to create boards highlighting anything and everything – from fashion decade inspirations, seasonal fashion, styling for special events and more. The uses are endless and anyone can become a styling guru.
We have definitely entered into a whole new age and way of dressing ourselves. Today, the world is anyone’s oyster and we are all craving to be inspired from one another – one Instagram at a time.
1. Style Nine to Five on Pinterest
2. Social Style on Instagram, image courtesy of Fashion Feen
By: Mijana Veljkovic, Toronto
You should follow me on Twitter @mijanaveljkovic.
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