Fashion Jobs – How to Start a Fashion Blog

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Having a fashion blog is undeniably one of the newest ways to showcase your style and also a new way to make an income. Fashion blogs can be a fun way to share your style diaries, and some have even made a very successful career out of it. Regardless of which direction you choose to take, there are key factors you must know to get started.

Find a name

In order to have a blog you must have a URL, in other words a ‘title’. You may use something as simple as your name, or you can think of a title that best suits you and your style. Warning: finding a name takes a LONG time and it usually comes to you when you’re not thinking about it. Tip: Write down words that best describe you, and find a way to make it catchy!

Choose your platform

There are many blog sites, and websites to create your blog. You also have the option on hiring someone to design your personal website, however that can be quite costly. A personal favourite of mine and what I use is WordPress. Another great option is Wix, it is more user friendly, and not as complicated to navigate. I found WordPress to be a bit tricky (and I’m technologically challenged), but once you learn how to use it, it’s a great platform to grow your blog on!


Content, content, content! I really cannot stress this enough. You must have a minimum of 8-10 stories before launching your website. When you launch it you want people to be able to navigate through it and get a feel for your writing and style. If you launch your website with no content, people will lose interest.


This comes from personal experience and it ties in with everything I wrote above. Do not rush launching your website, it is very time consuming but you are showcasing all of your work for the world to see. If this is something you want to pursue as a career, you have to make sure you have a solid foundation when launching your website. Be patient, and allow for you to take time developing your name, the stories and content and all of the little details hidden throughout your website. It will take time but if you are patient with it you will be ten times happier with the outcome and the end result.


Now go launch your kickass website you’ve been patiently waiting to show the world!!!!

Inspiration image curtesy of Pinterest

By: Jordan Sangster

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