Fashion Jobs Vancouver – Ski Bunny Style



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As most of the country is dealing with this dreaded polar vortex, we’re trying to find any activities to keep us occupied until the cold winter chill has passed. Living in Canada, some of the most popular outdoor activities are skiing and snowboarding, not to mention those are two of the most stylish winter sports (as stylish as you can be in snow pants and a jacket). With the growing popularity of skiing and snowboarding, many companies have created various lines of outdoor attire that change annually according to the season’s hottest trends. Check out some of my ski bunny picks that will have you hitting the slopes in style in this year.


1. Parajumpers Denali Jacket, 1,164.99 Sport Chek

2. Roxy Rizzo Insulated Jacket, 129.99 Sport Chek

3. Aperture girl peak 2 creek floral white snowboard pants, $79.99 zumiez

4. Roxy Nadia 2014 grey textile snowboard pants $109.99 Zumiez

5. Neff cupcake beanie, $27.95 Back Country

6. Astic Earling Mitten, $194.95 Back Country

By: Layan Barakat

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