Fashion PR Jobs – Suzanne Mandarino



If you’re interested in fashion, chances are you’ve seen some of the work created by a Public Relations professional. Whether it was a major media release or indirect, by or a highly organized event, these are the men and women that bring life to the brands they represent. Suzanne Mandarino is one of the talented magicians that builds brands and creates experiences for media and consumers alike. With an intense education behind her, she now works for Faulhaber Communications as an Account Executive. Although she is employed by one of the most prominent Fashion PR boutiques in the city, she says that it isn’t all glitz and glam. Whether it is putting time in as an intern, or putting together a well-oiled Media List, organizational skills and dedication are crucial for becoming a PR star. Oh and of course, you should probably enjoy going to the occasional party.

Style Nine to Five: What did you go to school for?

Suzanne Mandarino: Undergrad major, Fine Arts Cultural Studies at York University and AAS from Parsons for Fashion Marketing.

SNTF: What is your opinion on post-grad PR programs? Do you think they are valuable?

SM: Education is the most valuable thing you can have. There are many nuances in PR, some you learn from experience but the basics come from school.

SNTF: What drew you to PR in the fashion industry?

SM: I was attracted more to marketing and advertising in the Fashion industry at first. One day I was having coffee with my professor, and he was the one that told me I should get into PR.  He set me up with my first PR internship at Stella McCartney and the rest fell into place after that internship.

SNTF: Your job seems very glamorous, what does a regular day entail?

SM: Each day is different and no two projects are ever the same. It is not all glamour, although we get to go to amazing parties and meet interesting people. A lot of hard work goes into every event, fashion show and project we produce.

SNTF: What advice would you have for those starting out?

SM: Read everything, be thorough, take an internship, listen to criticism and don’t take it personal. Be nice to everyone (that one should be advice we all try to follow, daily). I recently saw a TED Talk featuring Amy Cuddy and she offered up some of the best advice I have ever heard, “Don’t fake it till you make it. Fake it till you become it.”

SNTF: What do you look for in a first time employee/intern?

SM: Someone who is truly interested in the industry and shows they did their homework. Smart, professional, willing to learn and get their hand a little dirty.

SNTF: What would it take for someone to be successful in your position?

SM: Organization, strong relationships and a solid understanding of the brands that you are working for. Oh! you should also enjoy parties, social events and networking!

By: Gabi Pirraglia, Toronto

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