Montreal Fashion Jobs – Q&A with Nicole Carrington, Editorial Assistant

With a heart longing for the city from a young age, categorizing Nicole Carrington as a “Manitoba native” would be wrongly misleading. Although originally from the prairies, Nicole branched out to Toronto, the thriving city she’s now proud to call home. Holding the position of Editorial Assistant, while remaining contributor to other big name publications, it’s to no surprise that her big city dreams were awaiting her arrival, and promising fulfillment.

I first had the pleasure of meeting Nicole when I started interning at Hello! Canada magazine in September 2012. Sitting opposite one another at the office, recognizing her witty personality and eccentric flair through the cubicle barrier, was second nature. Whether tweeting the latest news from Buckingham Palace, or interviewing celebrities making groundbreaking headlines, it’s just another “day in the life” for this pop culture fanatic.

Personally and professionally, I’ve found Nicole to be a wonderful example of an intern successfully making a name for herself in the industry. “Learn by example”, they say, and I couldn’t think of a more accurate phrase to summarize our heartfelt chats.

Style Nine to Five: What first sparked your interest in pop culture and fashion journalism in particular?

Nicole Carrington: Pretty much since infancy my clothing obsession has known no bounds. This made me kind of an anomaly in Manitoba. At first, I thought that would lead me to a career in design, but by the sixth grade my obsession – and I do mean obsession – with print publications was in full-force and all I knew was that I had to find my way into the pages of a (preferably Canadian!) magazine.

SNTF: What was your first editorial internship, and how did you land it?

NC: My first internship was at FLARE Magazine working for I basically stalked their editorial team. I wrote to them while I was in high school, entered their online search for an editorial intern during my first year of university, and the list goes on. Eventually they threw me a bone.

SNTF: As an influential contributor to pop culture, and social media, how do you stay on top of breaking news?

NC: The last thing I do before I go to bed and the first thing I do when I wake up is check my Twitter feed and my favourite fashion and celeb websites: Oh No They Didn’t, People, US Weekly, The New York Times, FabSugar, The Business of Fashion, and Fashionista. As new and informal as it is, Twitter is now imperative, because breaking news of any kind will always hit there first.

SNTF: Today, aside from working as an editorial assistant, you also freelance for other renowned publications such as LOU LOU. How do you manage your time efficiently? Do you have any advice for writers looking to take on side jobs?

NC: Learning to efficiently manage my time is still at the top of my to-do list! Really, I think it’s about taking 20 minutes or an hour or any amount of time you can to devote to your freelance work whenever you can get it. My biggest challenge is letting it fall to the wayside, so for me I know that Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays are my least hectic days, so I can at least devote a few mornings a week to that. My biggest tips would be to overestimate the amount of time an assignment will take you, because deadlines will sneak up on you like no other, and to know your limits. If you’re not sure you can give the amount of time needed to a 2nd, 3rd or 4th project, don’t do it.

SNTF: What are some key factors vital in developing a writing style unique to your own, yet abiding by the flow of the magazine?

NC: Each publication has its own voice, but as important as it is to know your magazine’s voice, I’d say it’s equally as important to know your own. A melding of the two is tricky, but it’s up to you to strike that balance. Your editor doesn’t want to stifle you, but it’s not a bad thing to sometimes try and push the boundaries a bit.

SNTF: Who holds your number one spot for most memorable interview?

NC: This is maybe a weird one, but probably Billy Baldwin! I interviewed him at a charity event that his friend Kurt Russell was attending, and he was so warm and sweet. He kept talking about how it wasn’t until he was at the airport and he and Kurt were texting each other that that they realized they were headed to the same function, and how happy he was to see him. He was just really excited!

SNTF: Hello! Favourites: Prince William or Harry? Kate or Pippa? Kimye or Queen B and Jay Z?

NC: Ah, the battle of the princes! I think the office would be divided on this one, but I’m Harry all the way. We’ll always go Kate over Pippa, no question. And how can you deny the magic that is Hov and Queen B?

By: Jenn McNaughton, Toronto

You should follow me on Twitter @jennmcnaughton

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