Why Going Above and Beyond Still Matters in Your Career - Style Nine to Five

Why Going Above and Beyond Still Matters (Even When Companies Need Us)

In today’s competitive job market, it’s easy to feel like the burden of going the extra mile falls unfairly on employees, especially when companies are increasingly dependent on skilled workers. A comment on one of our recent reels encapsulated a sentiment shared by many: “But I don’t wanna go above and beyond. Companies also need […]

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How to Pitch a New Role to Your Dream Company - Style Nine to Five

How to Pitch a New Role to Your Dream Company

Have you been waiting for a role to open up at your dream company? Does it seem like they are never hiring and like an opportunity may never come? No problem! They say, “Good things come to those who wait.” At Style Nine to Five we say, “Good things come to those who are proactive!” […]

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