Get your dream job with our Job Seeker Career Services! Whether you need help with your resume, cover letter, interview prep, LinkedIn profile refresh, or career coaching, we’ve got you covered. Christie Lohr, founder of Style Nine to Five, will expertly craft a refined and professional job application, empowering you to apply with confidence. Choose from our diverse range of career services and take the next step in your career journey today.

Job Seeker Testimonial“I landed my dream job! Your Resume, Cover Letter, and LinkedIn Refresh did exactly that! When I went in for my first interview for my now dream job, the general manager even made the comment, “Oh, you’re the candidate with the incredible resume!” Not only do l enjoy my new career and working environment, but I have also more than doubled my income potential in making this career change! I wanted to say a big THANK YOU for your amazing work!”

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Are you passionate about fashion and looking to stay ahead in your career? Join our vibrant community at Style Nine to Five! Sign up for our newsletter and get exclusive career tips, industry insights, and the latest job opportunities delivered straight to your inbox. Discover your dream role in fashion with us! Sign up today!

We collaborate with leading brands to connect them with top-tier talent and would be thrilled to prioritize you for future job opportunities. Drop us an email with the subject line “I want my dream job“.

Looking for a fashion job? Check out our job board!


Don't let job interviews intimidate you! Impress employers and get the job you want with our Interview Prep. Our founder, Christie Lohr, will guide you through those tough interview questions and prepare you for your upcoming interview. Stop stressing and get ready to land that dream job.


Hearing crickets after you apply to a job? Grab your step-by-step workbook to land your dream job. It’s everything you need in one easy place—guidance, what to say, templates and more.


As a seasoned recruiter for top brands, founder, Christie Lohr, brings you the inside scoop on what makes a resume not just good, but great. Let's get you hired – with style, substance, and a resume that opens doors!


Applying for a job without a standout cover letter? Not advisable. Our founder, Christie Lohr, brings her expertise directly to you by writing a personalized cover letter tailored to your unique strengths and skills. Christie has even hired individuals based solely on the strength of their cover letters!


Elevate your LinkedIn profile to stand out to recruiters. Our founder, Christie Lohr, will enhance your profile, focusing on key highlights, professional titles, as well as profile and background image selection, ensuring you become the top choice for recruiters' attention.


Need to add the perfect finishing touch to your resume? Grab a Style Nine to Five job application template! Forget what you learned long ago, today’s most effective resumes are unique, customized, and one page.


We understand that everyone’s career needs are different. Whether you need in-depth guidance or a quick boost, we've got you covered! All sessions are conducted virtually, so you can connect from anywhere in the world.